so i started this blogs in the hopes of what? i have not a clue. part of me says that it is a journal. part thinks it is to get my business on the road to success. part of is that i think i have words to share. it's the liberal arts education of blogs...lots of ideas with out any direction. from what i have read, most people have a particular voice to their blogging. my friend sam writes about her adventures in extreme sports. my friend katherine writes about her travel to bhutan. and then you have me who writes about a little bit of this and a little bet of that. in some ways this is really a reflection of me. i mean look at my job skills. i do a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
i am beginning to finally wrap my head around the fact that i don't do just one thing. i teach yoga classes in a school. i would like to teach yoga classes for seminars, retreats and conferences. i have started a business as a professional organizer. and, i am an ordained minister.
this brings me to my do i bring it all together to make it work? i feel i am so close to a break thru. it is right in front of me but i am having a hard time seeing it.