(note: this was so painful to write that i am not even editing it. i just had to get it out since it has been so long. my advanced apologies to you.)
i am learning, rather slowly, but still learning. the only way to get into the habit of doing something well is to do it over and over. as you can see from the date of my last post october 31st, i have not been practicing that idea when it comes to my writing. not only have i lagged on my blog but i have also lagged on my book. so, i am jumping back in with the attempt to post here daily and hope that motivates my book writing as well. ok here goes.
what has happened on the food front since october 31st? first we had halloween and then the extended thankgsgiving holiday. basically there were potential minefields everywhere. i dodged every bullet...even when a few friends told me i was "missing out". i thought about eating a friend's cheesecake but after slicing a piece, i just had no interest. could this have to do with the fact that i can't get a check appointment until jan. 11 2012? maybe. i also think i have put some of those cravings on hold. so the food journey continues.
and for the writing, i know...rusty. just gotta work out the kinks.
happy holidays peeps.