Friday, January 15, 2016


Yesterday I completed my 3rd Bikram yoga class in one week.  I have not practiced yoga in about 7 months. To say the classes were difficult it a major understatement. They were down right brutal . I suffered in every class. I kept thinking to myself about all the classes I had taken in the past. How did I ever take 100 yoga classes in 100 days?How did I take multiple classes in one day? The challenges I took on were extreme and yet I did not see that. I thought it was yoga so no big deal.
The big deals were my girlfriends running marathon, swimming great distances, competing in Ironman events. They were the athletes. I just practiced yoga.
I could not see what I had done as an accomplishment. I do now. I have heard that wisdom comes with age. I am finally tapping into that wisdom and seeing me for me.
It feels pretty darn good.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

huh, i should write about that

When I set up this blog, my intention was to find my voice. That didn't happen. My next thought was I should write about my organizing business. That didn't happen.
Ok, I'm being a little hard on myself. The truth is I just don't know what the heck this blog should be. As a result, it has been 2 years since I typed anything, until today. 
I was running on the treadmill this morning and had a bunch of thoughts running through my head. Lightbulb…I should write about that!
OK here is the back story.
Yesterday I sent my friend a text asking how she was doing on her food plan. She replied that she was doing well and that people had been complementing her on how she looked thin. More importantly she wrote back that she was feeling great. Do you know what my next thought was? Maybe I should do it too. Hey, I would like someone to say my face looks think. From there I went down the rabbit hole of planning all the things I should stop eating. It's absolutely nuts. Do you know that 7 months ago I was ill and people told me I was thin? However when I looked in the mirror I hated how I looked. In fact, I find thin on me to be unattractive.  
Why am I like this?
So here I was on the treadmill thinking about this and it hit me as I looked up at myself in the reflective mirror…stop the nasty thinking Andrea. I should be congratulating myself on the fact that I think I look good, probably the best I have in a long time. I feel great and I am running. This might not seem like a big deal to you but I am taking on new fitness challenges and I am accomplishing them. Heck, while all this crazy thought was going on I just ran 5 miles. I can tell you 7 months ago I wasn't even running a 1/4 mile. 
So for now, I can put those diet thoughts to bed. Instead I can focus on what I am doing! 
Here are my exciting challenges for 2016…
Expanding my business
Taking my fitness level up a notch by adding in more cardio, getting physically stronger and bringing a little more flexibility by adding some hot yoga to the mix
Getting items donated to a boys orphanage in Mexico
Taking a girlfriend vacation to Mexico
Feeling good about me
Yep, that looks pretty good to me.

And to my friend Samantha, you rock. I am so happy you look good but more importantly you feel great. Thank you for putting a mirror up to my face so I too can see I look pretty good and I feel pretty great.