It's a new year and you are resolved to get your house in order. Where to begin? I can help.
Let's start with linens and towels.
Grab a couple garbage bags.
Step 1
Walk around your home and every where you store linens get them and put them in a pile. Match up all you sheet sets. Do you have any sheets that you really don't use? Do you have more than one set for each bed? Do you have any sheets that you don't like? OK, if you answered yes to any of these questions, put those sheets into the garbage bag. Now put your completed sets away - in one location.
Step 2
Walk around your home and grab all of your towels. Match up all your sets. Do you have any towels that look a little tired and worn down? Do you have any towels that you just don't like? Do you have more than 2 bath towels for each person who lives in your home? Do you have too many hand towels and/or wash cloths? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, put those towels in the garbage bag. Now put your towels away - in one location!
Step 3
Donate the bags of towels and sheets. One place I like to go for donation of sheets and towels is the SPCA.