Friday, November 23, 2012

women, men and food

i went out with a former yoga student now friend for dinner a few days ago. we were talking about life choices that we make and that led us to the topic of dieting and weight. she shared that she been on some kind of diet her entire life. she has tried them all. now when i look at her i see a petite women with a small figure. she on the other hand thinks she needs to lose 20 pounds. wow, that is a lot of weight for a small person. she thinks she just carries her weight well.  at every meal she asks makes a choice to be what she says, good or bad.  i wonder if most women think about. well i already know we are different then men as i doubt men even talk about dieting and weight when they get together.  how many men even think about this topic.  i don't know the answer i just know about the men in my life.

my husband on occasion will say he wants to lose weight and will have a plan for it but i don't think he sits down at a meal and thinks about if he is going to be good or bad. i certainly don't remember my brothers or my father ever talking about weight. my mom would on occasion talk about my dad's stomach but when he sat down at a meal he never once said oh i am not going to eat that tonight. whatever was served he ate and then some. food was on the table and they ate.

how do we gals get like this?

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