dear lance,
to say i am disappointed is an understatement. i haven't watched your interview with oprah yet but i hear you admit to lying. seriously i don't care that you doped. what i don't like is that you not only denied it, but you also attacked other people who told the truth. you made it seem everyone was ganging up on you and you were a victim. i am angry i believed you. now when i hear a story that is an underdog story i will think that perhaps the person is lying. it is like when someone comes up to you and says, hey my car just ran out of gas can you help me with some money. and when that person is lying it ruins it for anyone else that just might be telling the truth and need some help.
i don't know why you do this and i am not going to spend any more time on it.
i feel sorry for your kids.
i feel sad today. this too shall pass.
ok, i guess i will watch the interview. i need to hear the words come out of your mouth.
and then it is time for all of us to move on and not give you any more attention. there are way more important things in the world i can focus helping those that really need it.
sincerely, andrea wait
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