recently i had a fun conversation with two friends about the qualities of being a good teacher. all three of us had taken a fitness class from the same instructor on different days and had three completely different reactions to the teacher. one loved the teacher, one didn't like the teacher at all and then me - well, my focus was on the quality of teaching.
when i look up the word teach in the dictionary i find that the definition of the word is "to cause to know how". would i say the teacher i had provided that? no. would i say that makes me like him or not like him? no. instead i use it as a reminder to improve my own teaching skills. my goal is to be able to teach to all levels of experience in my class - from the beginner to the advanced and everyone in between.
so i guess the long and short of it is that i am enjoying being the student as i am learning way beyond what is being taught in the fitness class.
thank you.
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