blog on my organizing website
organizing group page on fb
yoga group page on fb
yoga event page on fb and wait there is one more thing...
yes, this blog.
this was my original place to write about organizing ideas, my tips on life, what i am experiencing, etc. well as we can clearly see i have forgotten about this page. the last post, if you could call it that, was sunday. the amazing thing about habits formed is that they have to be repeated over and over until it they actually stick. i am always at my best if i follow a strict routine. i do that with my diet, my exercise routine, my eating habits, where i keep my keys!
originally my intent with the blog was just to start writing. voila this blog was born. i have several friends that are wonderfully creative in regards to writing. that is not my forte and is an on going process to get me to do it.
from there i realized i wanted to really grow my businesses. i have been advised from people smarter then me that i needed to jump into the land of social media. that meant adding a blog to my website www.andreawait.com as well as adding a variety of pages to facebook. one of those pages is also attached to my twitter account. i am all over the place. what i have found...these daily habits work! who knew? on facebook i have picked up organizing clients as well as guests for my yoga retreat. on my organizing website i have picked up followers who make comments and share the site with others. these daily habits work.
my newest habit i am working on is in the realm of fitness. it is still at the grassroots level but let's just say exercise can be habit forming! i have always tracked when i take yoga and now i have added trx classes. i am working out the scheduling of those classes to meet with my work schedule - what times work best with parking, crowds and my ability to function at work which can be physically challenging.
some people like to live life just winging it. not me. i am a schedule gal who lives by the calendar.
it only took me almost 48 years to figure it out.
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