Friday, August 2, 2013

death, loss, sadness

i lost another friend this week to the evilness known as cancer. i hate cancer. so, i am once again reminded that to age is actually a gift. getting older really? yes. the alternate is not in my view. so i did a little research and came up with an article on some of the key things to age gracefully.

1. embrace your natural beauty.
i tried this. i went a solid year with out dying the wild greys. then my friend rebecca told me - dye it. i did and the results are...people say i look younger, prettier, happier.
i still think natural is pretty and then at a little bit...whatever your little bit it is. mine is hair dye, mascara, and lip gloss.

2. laugh at yourself.
i do this on a regular basis.
the other night i was in the bathroom for a midnight pee with out the lights in. a hand reached in...i screamed...the hand flipped the light switch on...yes, it was my husband. i freaked him out and i broke into hysterical laughter.

3. don't hold grudges.
why? supposedly negative energy ages us. i can't think of any grudges that i have and that could simply be explained that with aging my memory is going and well, i just can't remember who i am mad at.

4. accept the fact that you're no longer capable of certain tasks and find replacement activities.
at the ripe old age of 48 i don't think i really fall into that category. in fact i think i am adding new things to my repertoire as i get older. i don't worry so much about failure, what i look like, etc. so i am more open to trying new things.

and that was the list...4 things.

what else would i add? just a few more things...

1. eat cake, cookies, ice cream - something from your treat list!
2. travel
3. exercise
4. see the dentist every 6 months
5. stay close with friends and family -
6. pursue your passions
7. eat your greens - staying regular is super duper pooper important
8. read
9. go to the movies
10. enjoy a day of no plans and just see how the day unfolds
11. get dolled up and go out for a nice meal
12. have a party
13. sing out loud when you drive your car
14. be kind to a stranger

i think those are some good ones. at least for me. cheers.

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