Person calls me about organizing services and leaves a voice mail message with their phone number but no name. I call back, leave a message about my services and politely ask for them to leave their name when they call back. Person returns calls leaves a message saying that when I leave a message I need to say my phone number at the beginning of the message not at the end as they had to listen to to the message twice. Having been in sales that is typically how I leave a message but she had reached out to me first and so already had my number! She also asked me to return my call to a different number. When I returned the call to the new number there was an outgoing message, "I'm sorry but this voice mail box has not been set up". Really? Boy that irked me. It is amazing also sorts of nutty, annoying things happen to me daily that don't bother me at all but this...immediately I wanted to call her back and say all sorts of things like "are kidding me? Y
ou are leaving me tips on how to leave a message. Seriously I got some tips for you."I also thought "I can't work with this person". But instead I called back the old number and left a message stating I was returning the call.
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