Saturday, December 7, 2013


it is easy to be kind to the fun, upbeat, outgoing people. it is not so easy to be kind to the dark, scowly, frowny people. i know someone who falls into the latter of the two categories. when i say i know him, i mean we chat while drinking coffee outside of the local coffee spot. there was a long time when i would see him and his dog (let's be honest that is why i first started talking to him - the dog). once i got my own coffee machine i saw him less and less. i have to refer to him as "him" because i don't know his name. anyway, months went by with no sightings and then just last week i ran into him and his dog. i checked in with him to see how he was doing. his response, "i haven't told anyone but my dog is dying". now to get a frame of reference, he walks the dog every day at a local park where pretty much all of my neighbors with dogs walk. one of my friends knows this guy and pretty much said he doesn't like him. i understand. no one wants to reach out to the scowly, frowny non communicative person. i remember when i first met this guy. he didn't say much. but every time i saw him i would say "it's nice to see you". some how is ice thawed a bit and he let me in.
and now his dog - his friend - his family is dying. sad. i am reminded once again to extend myself to all people with kindness.

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