just received an email from a close friend who is in the midst of a relationship break up. incredibly hard right? but the one thing i know is that when you make conscious choices about your life then you are living your life and no one else. as my husband john knows, and my closest friends know, this past year has been all about that for me. has it been easy? no! have i always made the right decisions? no! i am in a better place because of it? YES! i have said it before and i will say it again...this is not a dress rehearsal. we must live this life now.
well what is on my agenda for living my best life today? i am peeling carrots, cutting celery, making designer andrea sugar cookies...and the reason? i am having some ladies (old friends and new friends) over this afternoon. i checked the calendar to see if there were any big football games that might impede people's schedule and thankfully today is a freebie. there is a game but it doesn't really count. so the ladies, including my sister jessica from nyc, will come over for food, drink. conversation and laughter. to ad to the fun, i invited a jewelry rep to come showcase us some different jewels. we get to play with jewelry. doesn't that sound fun?
what are you doing today? making yourself a nice cup of tea? taking a nap? reading the paper? going for a walk? you decide.
p.s. the photo is of cookies i made one easter...today's are going to have a valentine's theme!