OK readers, i am going to ask you to try something. yep. one week in to blogginag and i am already making demands. please stop texting, emailing, talking on the phone while driving. why talking on the phone? isn't that the same as talking to someone in the car? no. this photo is of a car wreck that happened because a person was distracted by talking on the phone!
this is what research has found. "when people listen to a cell phone conversation while driving, they are much slower to respond to things they are looking at. the driver sees the image of the person they are talking to decreasing ability to see what is in front of them. the brain requires you to select one thing at the cost of being less able to respond to the other thing. Talking on a cell phone (even the hands free kind) is more hazardous than operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol". please don't think you are the one person that can do both. the risk is just not worth it. we need to break this dangerous trend. and yes, i know it is hard but every bad habit is hard to break. i am one week in and boy i hate hearing that phone ring. i want to respond just like you. but let's take this seriously, if i can do it, you can too. let's take the power back from the control these devices have over us.
so don't be bummed if i am talking to you and if i know you are driving...i'm hanging up!
tip on how to do this: turn your phone off when you get in car. put your phone in a place you can't reach while driving. please try.
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