Saturday, January 16, 2010


this has nothing at all to do with my business, with organizing tips, or with anything of substance really. but my friend samantha told me not to over think this blog stuff and just write.
today is day 6 and i am still home sick. it now has come to the point that i am almost enjoying this. a big storm is fore casted. so in a cold medicine drug induced stupor i went and got coffee early and some staples to get me thru the next few days. nothing of substance. remember cold meds do nothing good for the brain. i picked up two bagels, an organic olive/mushroom pizza and vitamin water. the 50 cent brand. it is kind of light in color. to me it doesn't look as sugar overloaded as the other brands. funny, that to me is my survival food. think what you want.
now, thanks to technology i have connected with people via email, cell and facebook. the big news is that i connected with my first boyfriend, which if i can remember maybe lasted a week.! i knew one day thru technology i would find him. so we chatted on facebook and that was so fun. he has embraced christianity and if you know me, i find that fascinating. i really am interested in people's stories...whatever they are. you know we both started off as two kids in catholic school and now i am a yoga teacher, professional organizer, soon to be ordained to marry people (more on that later) person and he is a minister specialising in photos about Jesus Christ. I just find that so interesting. Oh and I love that as I am connecting with the past, the tv has been on an all day Roseanne marathon. That was a funny show.
Ok, time for me to re medicate...Bye.
p.s. i forgot and this is more of a reminder for me than you...i got myself organic tomato soup. gotta remember to eat that. at least one thing sort of healthy. i must get back into juicing.

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