organizing...just returned calls to three different people that need my services - one guy called on behalf of his elderly wife who has lost "a white box with hearing aids worth $4,000 in a super cluttered room". my conversation with the husband was pretty funny. he told me that if i was wondering about his accent it's because he and his wife are from texas. i told him i liked him immediately. meeting them tomorrow. i think they will be a fun job.
next call was from a woman who works for american express and is being moved from sf to ny - my home state. american express has agreed that in addition to having movers she can also hire a professional organizer. american express was in touch with me last month and i had two phone interviews to see if i was a match. guess i was. and the third call was from a young woman who needs help organizing her apartment. we start work saturday. boy oh boy, i am sure glad i set my intention to seek out organizing business. it worked and i needed it.
helping...this one i kind of dragged my heals on. but, i made an agreement today to respond to all the saved messages in my voice mail and this was one. i got an email two weeks ago and a voice mail message four days ago from a woman who wants advice on becoming a professional organizer in the bay area. yes, she's a total stranger. i so didn't want to call her back. i mean, why would i give away my private business information to a total stranger? but this was my opportunity to give back and i did. i gave her the 411 on every thing. i know there are plenty of fish in the sea that need help so i can't worry about one more person in business. she was very appreciative and i can check that off my list.
this setting intentions thing really works.
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