Wednesday, May 26, 2010

i'm back

wow, it has been a while since i actually put words down. in that time period i have turned 45, gone to ny to work with organizing clients, attended a 3 day oprah work shop, taught yoga in vermont, attended family gatherings (on both sides) and officiated a wedding. yep, i have a new title. reverend. i am a yoga teacher, professional organizer, wedding marrying person! i used to think i wished that i just did one thing and only one thing but you know what that is not me. i have been blessed with a variety of gifts and i just need to embrace them. as my brother in law mike said to me for those with many gifts much is expected. now is the time for me to live up to that challenge.
each day, each moment is a new adventure. i am happy and blessed to take them all on.