Thursday, August 31, 2017

New York Times Article - Aging Parents with Stuff

Help your parents begin to get rid of their stuff!

This is a great read.

Andrea, it's not your stuff.

People often say to me that the reason purging stuff is easy for me is because…it's not my stuff. Ok, that's a fair statement. Of course I do purge items quite often but that topic is for another post. Let's get back to my original statement which is purging other people's stuff. Here is an easy assignment.

Your Kids
1. Their clothes
Do you have kids younger than the age of 12? Purge their stuff. Yep, I give you my permission. Go in their closets and dressers and take out all clothes that don't fit them. This is one of the easiest purging exercises in town. From here either donate the clothes or if there is a younger sibling pass those clothes on to that child.

2. Their toys
Now that the clothes are done and you are feeling so energized, how about you move on to the collection of stuffed animals and toys? Come on, you can do it. You and I both know the child has too much stuff. This is your opportunity to pass on toys to other kids that don't have them. Check out your local children's hospital to see if you can drop them off there.

Your Best Friend
Uh oh, where is Andrea taking me on this one? Have your best friend over to your house and take a couple hours to go through your clothes. Take every item out of your closet and one by one look at each item. Everything you and your friend say yes to, have your friend put back in the closet. Every item that is a no, goes in a donate bag. While your friend is putting your clothes back in your closet, have her organize them by category and if she is really nice by groupings of color. Having someone help you with the purging process makes it a lot easier.

Now do the same thing for your friend.

It sure is easy purging someone else's stuff.