Thursday, March 25, 2010

asking you the reader?

what is your biggest organizational challenge? it can be anything.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

home plate

create a home station. when i get home, i empty my pockets, purse and put everything on a tray near the front doorway. my husband does the same. keys, purse, cash, cell phone, anything you take with you when you leave the house. you never have to look for a thing when you walk out the door. now that's time saving.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

day 5...socks

do you sometimes find that when you take your socks out of the dryer one is missing?
when you take off your TWO socks immediately put them into an individual cotton bag. when it is time to do wash throw that bag in the washer and then in the dryer. by the time they are done you will end up with both socks. also, if you are doing laundry for your family have a bag for each family member. because if you are like me, you hate that part of sorting out who gets what sucks. don't boys socks all look the same and god forbid you mix it time and headaches with this easy solution.

day tip

want some cool bookends? don't want to spend a lot of money? rocks! yep, rocks make cool bookends. use large stones to keep them in line. real simple magazine suggests large smooth rocks but i say just find ones that suit you. make them stylish...add paint!.
i like this tip.
P.S. I got a new job today but I am still going to post my tips. Thanks Universe.

day 3...your closet

is your closet a disaster? rule of thumb...only wear what you love. most of us gravitate towards the same things over and over. take a good hard look at your wardrobe. try on things that you don't weaar that often. is the color good? does it fit? if the answer is no...time to donate. keep the things that look great and fit properly. don't hold on to clothes that you hope to fit in to. because you know what...when you do get to that're buying new clothes anyway.


(p.s. your closet will thank you and you will spend less time trying to figure out what to wear.)

day 2...finances

organization is not just about an organized closet! how would you like to have your finances in check? lately a few of my friends have mentioned that at the end of each month they have very high credit card bills which surprises them. my plan is similar to suggestions for people trying to lose weight. instead of writing down everything you eat each day...yep, record every purchase you make. i keep a small notebook in my purse and each time i make a purchase i write it down. it is amazing how this small task can help. as i see that number start to increase daily i more often than not will put something back instead of buying it. i really only buy the things i need and or love. when that credit card bill comes in the mail or arrives on your will already know the grand total. NO SURPRISES!

day 1...silver

ok, i am ready to take on a new client. how do i get this new client? i have absolutely no idea. so in the meantime, each day until that person comes to me i will be posting organizing tips. yep, you are in luck.
today's tip has to do with silver jewelry. don't you love when you buy a ring and it is nice and shiny and new? i love it. but i don't like tarnish. so two ways to prevent this from happening. one...put your silver in sealed bags. two...for people with jewelry boxes (including me)...put silver in box and cover with a silver polishing cloth. happy shiny silver!


"the only way to have a friend is to be one"
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

giving back part 2

i have to laugh. when i decided to start my own business i always had it in the back of my head that some how i would give back by helping others. as you know from yesterday's post that the wheels are in motion.

well the wheels are moving even more. i have gotten two phone calls from close friends inquiring about my organizing business. i thought wow that is awesome. two new cleints. how great is that. yeah well not so much. my friends have called asking if i can help their friends start up organizing businesses as well. that basically means helping others start up competition to my business. hmmmmmmmm.

i guess if burger king, mcdonalds, and wendys can survive so can Organize Your Life.

Monday, March 15, 2010

giving back

i have come to the realization that i am a lucky person. i am making the choice how i want to live my life. some people depending where they live in this world just don't have that as an option. others who do have the freewill, just don't know how.
i used to think i wanted to be the person who just came into this world knowing exactly what i wanted to, lawyer, garbage collector, whatever. instead i am the person that went to a liberal arts college and liked lots of different things. at times it was over whelming. so many options, choices and paths to take. i felt i had no practical skills. but hey, that's history.
i now have direction. i am a yoga teacher/professional organizer with my very own business...Organize Your Life! so, now that i have finally figured that out it is time for me to give back to others.
my friend christina is participating in her daughter's school auction. they need to raise money for school supplies. yep, the basics paper, pens and pencils! i am donating two gift certificates from my business. one is for an hour of private yoga and the other is for two hours of professional organizing. i am so excited to see who ends up purchasing these services. i hope it raises lots of money. so if you are interested and want to put in a bid, let me know.
what do you do to give back?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i'm not complaining

so things are great when i look at the week ahead and i see client jobs lined up and yoga classes to teach lined up. things are not great when...well, i think you know. yes, it will take time to build and it is a thing that i will always have to build...getting new clients. i can do it.
i am my own Nike ad...JUST DO IT!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

free time?

so what do i do on the days i don't have clients and i am not teaching yoga ? well first i try to get my home back in shape...doing laundry, cleaning the house, etc. then... a variety of things can happen. i occasionally hit a stress moment. is this business going to take off? then i get a perspective...well i at least get a coffee! i'm spending a lot of my time thinking of creative ways to drum up clients. couple of ideas that have come up thru the help of my husband. i'm thinking i should find a forum to do open discussions on the hows and whys of helping people de-clutter and organize their lives. the other thought is to write articles on the subject.
what do you think? suggestions are most appreciated. oh and to leave a suggestion you need to set up account on it is super easy. not only will you be helping me but you will also be helping my fellow readers.