Monday, May 2, 2016

Simple Steps to Organizing - Work Out Gear

Do you have a variety of work out gear in your home that you don't use? Do you have a treadmill or an exercise bike that you hang your dry cleaning on? These large pieces of equipment take up an enormous amount of space and as you may have found are a clutter magnet…i.e. hanging clothes on them.
It is time to ask yourself the tough question, am I really going to use it? If the answer is yes then ask yourself why are  you currently not using it. Be honest to yourself. If the answer is no, the next step is figuring out what to do with this large cumbersome piece of machinery. Here are some options:

1. Craigslist is a great resource. Keep in mind that you want someone to come and take this away so don't get too caught up in the sale price. Remember you want it to go.
2. Donate it…yes, you can at least get the tax donation. Here is one of many resources.
3. Donate locally - google donating fitness equipment.

Lastly, all those items you have hanging on the machine…put them away.

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