Sunday, March 27, 2016

Simple Steps to Organizing - The Utensil Drawer

In the past 6 years that I have been organizing I have noticed that one drawer in the kitchen that can be come a collection of a variety of stuff is the utensil drawer. I am a strong believer that everything has a place and everything in its place. Let's make that happen in the utensil drawer by following these steps.

  1. Empty the drawer.
  2. If you have a utensil divider…please clean it. Now wipe down the drawer. It is amazing how dirty this drawer can get. 
  3. Sort your silverware - knives, forks, little spoons, large spoons, serving utensils.
  4. Now do you have more than one set of silverware? Do you have a random spoon that doesn't match your set? Take out all the items that do not match your set and put them in a bag for donation. 
  5. You may also have utensils that you do not use - i.e. small butter knives. If you don't use them, donate them. I get it that you think its cute but that is no reason to keep something. Pass it along. 
  6. Put the utensil divider back in the drawer. Put the utensils in each slot.
  7. The remaining items you took out - i.e. plastic utensils, paper chop sticks,  rubber bands, packets of salt, pepper,…throw them away. Use real utensils and I guarantee you already have a salt and pepper shaker. 

Utensil drawer is for utensils only. Imagine that!

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