Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Simple Steps to Organizing - the Spice Rack

I promise this exercise will be fast and easy.

Go into your kitchen. Open your spice cabinet (and/or drawer) and take out all of your spices. Throw out all the spices that you have not used. Throw out all the spices that have expired dates. Now wipe down that cabinet and/or that drawer. Put back the remaining spices.

Task is now done. Yes, it was just that easy.


  1. So true, most of spices in racks are way too old and lose some of their fresh flavor and pop. I find it better to buy very small packages when it comes to specialty spices (or buying fresh herbs is even better!) - only buy the big ones for commonly used spices like salt, pepper, oregano, etc.

  2. So true, most of spices in racks are way too old and lose some of their fresh flavor and pop. I find it better to buy very small packages when it comes to specialty spices (or buying fresh herbs is even better!) - only buy the big ones for commonly used spices like salt, pepper, oregano, etc.
