Monday, February 25, 2013


I had copied a bunch of great sayings and saved them in an editing folder on my blog to write about daily. I then just open the next one saved to see how it can be applied to what I am thinking about at the time.
I woke up 20 minutes ago to a voicemail from a client who is not sure when we can meet today because her father has been hospitalized and sounds like he is extremely ill. She debated getting to the hospital to be with her family or staying at her home for me to come and help clear the clutter. She wants to be with her family but she also wants the stuff gone. She had great difficulty making a decision. I encouraged her to just go to the hospital and then call me later and I would come over then. She went back and forth and really could not make up her mind. The clutter in her life is so all consuming that it even takes away from making some important life choices.

Immediately after that phone call, I got an email from a potential guest regarding questions about coming to my yoga retreat. He would like to bring his Dad, who is in a wheelchair as a birthday gift. He wanted to know if this was possible. The retreat center is in Mexico and is not wheelchair accessible. There are many obstacle - stairs, widths of hallways, bathrooms, etc.

How does this apply to William's words? I don't know exactly but for sure there is a common thread.  I think when we live in chaos and clutter, that unsettled feeling distracts us. But when we have just what we need and love then our focus can truly be on what is important to us in life.

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