Sunday, December 8, 2013


i read a Facebook book post by my sister-in-law Leslie about the
 importance of taking a day off. She had a deal with her Mom that a couple times a year if she was getting straight As she could take a day off from school and just do nothing. She would stay in her pjs all day and do what she wanted. In Leslie's case she liked to read. Now as an adult she no longer gets grades but remembers the importance of the day off. So yesterday she did just that. While she was lounging around at home, I was busting my hump doing a house reorganization. It took me ten hours and it turned out great (see the photos below).
Today I woke up with sore back, sore legs and what looks like the beginnings of a head cold. I had scheduled to take an exercise class for 8 am but when I woke up, I kept thinking about Leslie in her pjs yesterday and how nice that must have been. So with out too much hesitation I clicked on the fitness website and...cancelled my morning class. That is a hard one for me to do but as the cancellation registered I let out a big sigh and settled back into my bed. I can't stay in my pjs all day as I have work to do but for right now I will enjoy a couple extra hours lounging in my bed.

Enjoy the before and after pics!

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