Friday, May 9, 2014

Day 2 of my 49th year

yesterday was my birthday. i turned 49. my brother told me i have 365 days until i turned 50 and that i need to get ready. huh? well i am going to take that thought a different way and am going to ask myself what am i going to do with this 49th year. the answer, i am just going to share my thoughts for each day and on occasion take a self photo.
as you can see from this photo, i am at the laundromat. my husband and i generate a lot of laundry. between his work in an office, my work in organizing homes and then both of us exercising pretty much every day, we accumulate dirty clothes fast. i am at the laundromat 1-2 days a week! some may say this is a total drag and i might agree until i looked at how the rest of my day unfolded.
after heading home and putting our clothes away, i went to organize a client's home who has adhd. you can say he and his girlfriend have a little bit of everything everywhere. after spending several hours with him, i dragged my exhausted self to meet a couple who need help with their home.
the house is a disaster zone....messy, cluttered, filthy dirty, smelly. they have an entire home, including washer and a dryer and yet, there are dirty clothes everywhere. how did it get this way? both people have serious health issues - one ovarian cancer and the other kidney failure. shit. life can be so hard. i am going to do everything i can to make this home amazing for them.
and for me, news flash andrea...You have nothing to complain about!

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