Saturday, November 16, 2013

don't sweat the small stuff

working as a professional organizer...each job is different, each client is different. the only thing that is the same is little old me. each time i meet with a new client i have to assess the situation and come up with a plan on the spot and then make that plan happen. so as you can imagine, each time i go in to a new job i am eaten up by nerves. the questions i constantly have running in my head are - can i do this? will the client be pleased with what i do? am i in over my head? sometimes the night before a new job i have trouble sleeping. i toss and turn. i picture the physical spaces that i got to see in the initial consultation weeks prior. i visualize the space and attempt to plan out what i will do, where things will go, and how i will do it. what should be a restful sleep often turns into an exhausting marathon. so how do i deal with this?
i have thought a lot about this. i am trying not to anticipate too much. i am also working on my thought process about upcoming jobs. these are just some of my thoughts.

there's nothing you can do while you are in bed
stop the whirling thoughts going around in your head and go to sleep
know that you will do your best
anything is better than the current situation
there is only so much you can do.
take each job as they come and live in the present moment
when you leave, it's over
do not rehash what you did

i think this practice is working. i seem to focus on the job when i show up, not for 24 hours prior. when i leave, once i cash the check, the job is done. that's progress. sure there is going to be slip ups but i am figuring out how to handle it.

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