Wednesday, February 15, 2012

instead of killing this i will just have more than one location

i know i was advised to kill this blog but instead i can be in more than one place.
so to find my blog, you can find me here or at or at
but for the loyal few who still read me here, thank you.

over the course of my career i have picked up some good rules to live by that apply perfectly to organization. i would like to share them with you.

1. to do list - do what you don't want to do first

most of us have some kind of to do list. there are always the items that we check off with no problem. those are the easy things. and there's the rest. i learned from my old boss Terry that it's best to complete the item you least want to do first.

when i worked in sales, the one thing i hated to do the MOST was cold calling. "hi, my name is andrea wait and i am calling from citysearch and would love to talk to you about your business' on-line presence". response...what is "on-line". yes, i was selling advertising during a time that people thought advertising meant something tangible like a magazine ad or it was a commercial on tv. your computer was certainly not a place to check out a local restaurant. the cold call process was could be painful or at least the pain i thought before i made the call made it seem that way. but on the days i tackled the call first and actually set up appointments well that just made me feel great. so nice to pass your boss in the hall and share that you had a meeting with macy's on tuesday. on those days i felt there was nothing i couldn't do.

this happens with organizing as well. we all have that one closet we don't want to look at. thank god for the invention of the door, right? you will be amazed at what happens when you open the door, pull out the stuff, toss the junk and sort the rest. my most recent client told me she feels physically "lighter" fro9m the work we did. mentally the process seem a lot worse than what it actually.i did that with sales calls. the end result was always worth my awkward moment of panic before placing a call. it often led to...making an appointment, which led to making a sale, which led to money in my pocket. the domino effect happens exponentially. by conquering the worst first, everything after that is easy. and in some situations it becomes enjoyable. and the outcome is tremendous relief.

sure some people need help with that first step of tackling the worst organizational mess...typically a garage. and that is what i am here for. but after i do my magic, i can't tell you how many times i get a call from a happy customer wanting to share how after our session they were able to then work on another part of their life. this can be anything from physical clutter to emotional clutter to mental clutter. i can feel their smile through the phone about their self-pride for what has been accomplished.

yes, there are a lot of things we don't want to do. pick one and do it.tomorrow i will share how i can help you tackle that garage!

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