Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ideas are flowing

i have really taken the to the idea that i need to be "open minded" and the universe will tell me what to do.
and the universe told me a couple things recently that i don't want to forget.
1. make a website that provides and umbrella to my different businesses. my first site was www.andreawait.com. sure it says my name but it doesn't tell what i do. then i thought well all my business have something to do with me...www.withandrea.com. . now being in mexico i am reminded of phrase that my friend rafi coined...what would andrea say? i am taking that one step further...what would andrea do? and to simplify that www.wwad.com. playing with that in my mind.
2. i should do a newsletter which could incorporate all of the above...organizing tips, yoga retreat info, yoga tips, vegetarian recipes...keeping if fun and light. i have played with writing - this blog, the outline of a book but who am i kidding? i am not a natural writer and yet i have things to say. newsletter, yeah that sounds right.

hmmm...yep, the ideas are flowing.

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