Saturday, December 29, 2012


fyi...this was written a while ago. and also not edited.

holy crap. went to help organize a client who recently had a baby. i helped her pre-baby and  we were able to make a good dent in the amount of stuff she has. i could never live there but it was way better than when we started. now the baby is here and it is time to clear out the room we stored a lot of stuff in. so that meant going through boxes and bins. like the last time, we again encountered the remains of mice droppings. yuck. then there was the familiar smell from the last time. the dog of the house pees in a corner of the area we were working in. the smell. actually there are two smells in the house.
the upstairs has the smell of pasta sauce cooked last week and left in the pot sitting on a counter. and then the downstairs has doggy pee pee smell with a dash of mice droppings. and then the energy of a confined space filled with boxes of stuff.
all of this means is that when i got home i went on an organzing cleaning frenzy of my own house. first thing though i took a hot shower. then i went room to room - closet to closet - reorganizing, putting stuff away and cleaning. my house already was in great shape but now it is even better.
two hours later i am now sitting on my bed, listening to the rain, watching tv and burning a scented candle.
i am back to normal again. phew. that was close.

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