Sunday, January 20, 2013

are you really saving?

i had this discussion with a client of mine about buying in bulk. he believes that he saves when he buys the case of toothpaste at costco as opposed to me buying one tube at walgreens. as you probably guess he also buys many other things in bulk as well.
this is why i think it is not the wisest choice:
1. financial
i spent $2.59 he spent $25. so unless you are credit card debt free you are not saving. if you pay by credit card then you are paying interest monthly on that $25. if you pay by cash, the difference of my purchase to yours is $22 extra towards bringing down your debt. i don't have credit card debt because i only spent $2.59 that month on tooth paste and the remaining $22 can be put into savings and gain interest. you are paying interest on debt and i am making money on savings.
2. clutter
most of us do not have enough space in our homes to store the mini costco store. your house becomes so full that you have no idea what you have so you actually keep buying more toothpaste so not the best choice. (see number 1). as a result your house consumes you. my home feels light and easy to maintain while your home begins to suffocate you with too much stuff. and then what do you have to do? yep, you have to hire me. again costing you more money.
3. present
you are not living in the present moment. there is something to be said for living right now. sure you can have an extra tube of toothpaste but you don't need 20. live in the moment. don't regret the past and don't fear the future. i am pretty much certain the stores will not be running out of toothpaste any time soon.
buy what you need. use it. replace it.

oh and if you wonder what i do with that extra $22...well this is a picture of me on a sunset cruise in the  baja.

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